About Us
Today, people are exposed to a variety of environmental influences that can have a negative impact on their thinking and their energy system. Diseases such as Alzheimer's, depression, burnout and energy deficiency diseases are increasing dramatically worldwide. To meet this challenge, IQ-TINK.com has developed the IQ Garlic Energy Tincture. This virtually water-soluble tincture offers the opportunity to positively influence people's thinking and energy systems. The tincture will play an important role not only for humans, but also in animal health.
The product:
IQ-TINK® – Energetic, effective and full of motivation to get started again! With the world's first practically water-soluble garlic oil! Sustainable, innovative, collaborative, diverse, future-oriented: IQ-TINK.com is more than just a health product; it is a movement based on the healing power of garlic. The water-soluble Garlic Energy Tincture© offers up to 90% better nutrient absorption and diverse health benefits without body odor. IQ-TINK.com stands for sustainable health solutions and a better future for everyone.
Now to the shop: www.IQ-TINK.com
Our mission:
Our mission is to help people around the world live healthy and fulfilling lives. We now know that nature and especially organic garlic offers us everything we need for a healthy life. Our vision is to make the healing properties of garlic accessible in a highly concentrated and effective form. We value quality, sustainability and ethical business practices.
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The market gap and uniqueness:
IQ Garlic Energy Tincture fills a gap in the market by providing an effective and science-based solution to health problems related to environmental influences and lack of energy. Our tincture relies on thousands of years of knowledge about the healing powers of garlic and combines it with modern technology.
Now to the blog article: Garlic oil has to be healthy...
The team:
Our team is made up of dedicated people who share a common vision: promoting health and well-being for everyone. Founder Dietmar Konrad Schwarz has overcome personal challenges and discovered and decoded the particularly revitalizing properties of garlic. Raffael Kemenczy & Robert Urbanczyk bring a variety of skills to networking. Sandra Mosch is an outstanding designer, Jürgen Unterhauser creates convincing texts and Emil Brunner ensures perfect organization. Together with other experts and supporters, we form a strong team.
Now to the blog article: People in the background
Our partners and network:
Our partners and supporters are an integral part of our success. From ORGANIC agriculture to logistics, from design to research, our partners share our values and bring expertise and commitment to our company. Collaboration with organizations such as the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH (AGES) shows our commitment to safety and quality. By the way, we get our organic garlic as IQ-TINK.com from the most important organic garlic farmers in Austria. (also deliver to Spar, Rewe!)
Now to the blog article
Our IQ garlic ambassadors:
We are deeply grateful to the IQ Garlic Ambassadors for helping us in a unique way to spread the information about our IQ Garlic Energy Tinctures©. By helping to free our fellow human beings from stress, lack of energy and illness, they can once again devote themselves to the beauty of life. We all benefit from this. Together we create the world we want to live in - a world in which relationships and children are happy, in which parents and grandparents are healthy, in which friends, colleagues and neighbors are well, in which companies and employees are successful, and in which students, scientists, athletes, writers and artists can achieve their best; and that for the benefit of everyone. We cordially invite you to register now as an IQ garlic ambassador and to take part in the project in this way.
You can find further information and the login or registration option on the page: https://ambassador.iq-tink.com/register